Online Moving and Assisting of People Level 2 (VTQ)

62 videos, 3 hours and 14 minutes

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Regular refresher training

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2 min 6 sec
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Regular Refresher Training: Ensuring Compliance and Best Practices

As part of the requirements in healthcare settings, regular refresher training is essential for all staff members. This training serves as a means to stay updated on legislation, regulations, policies, procedures, risk assessments, and support plans. It also provides an opportunity to practice using equipment such as slide sheets and hoists under the guidance of skilled instructors and trainers.

Benefits of Regular Refresher Training

Regular refresher training is necessary due to the following reasons:

1. Keeping Up with Changes

Legislation, regulations, and equipment can change over time. Regular training ensures staff members are aware of any updates or modifications, enabling them to comply with the latest standards.

2. Preventing Complacency

By participating in refresher training, staff members are supervised and observed while performing procedures. This helps prevent complacency and the development of poor or unsafe habits. The focus is on promoting good practice and adhering to best practices.

3. Awareness of Changes in Guidance

Refresher training keeps staff members informed about any changes or new guidance related to occupational therapy, manual handling, or specific practices within their care home, nursing home, or hospital environment.

The Significance of Regular Training

Regular refresher training holds great importance, especially during accident or incident investigations. The training records of staff members are reviewed to determine when they were last trained, which can help identify any gaps in knowledge or skills that may have contributed to the occurrence of accidents or incidents.

By prioritizing regular refresher training, healthcare settings can ensure staff members are up to date, competent, and capable of providing safe and effective care.